Buy or Rent?

Wed, Feb 8th 2012 9:17 pm by Lindsay Faircloth Buyer Info

Recently I was asked why it would be better for someone to buy a home right now rather than continue to rent. I was given the who speech about how the "market hasn't hit bottom" and "we haven't seen the worst" yet. Al of which I simply respond to with, ok. What do you say? When someone has their mind made up before they ask you a question there's not much left to say. Rather than talk about how interest rates are lower than they ever have been, lending IS available, yes I said IS, and houses are more affordable than they have been in years, I decided to find out the answer to the question, why should you buy when you can rent.

Pros and Cons of Ownership

How can you tell whether owning a...

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Why you need a pre-approval

Tue, Jan 31st 2012 2:01 pm by Lindsay Faircloth Buyer Info

So you're ready to buy a house, congratulations! You drive and drive and look online and find the houses that you like and the areas that you want to be in. You know what you're doing, you went online and used a mortgage calculator to figure out what you wanted to pay every month and that told you how much you could spend. Now you're ready to call a Realtor and see some homes, right? WRONG!! Calling a Realtor was a great first step, if you chose the right one, you know what your next step is. Who can tell me?, in the back?? That's right GET PRE-APPROVED! Now don't get irritated just yet. There's a reason I am telling you this, to protect you! I have seen people fall in l...

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Property Rookies now has a site!

Fri, Dec 9th 2011 5:13 pm by Lindsay Faircloth Property Rookies News

It has been a long time coming but Property Rookies now has a website.....and a great one at that!! Someone asked me the other why I decided to get into real estate and why I was STILL in real estate. I found the last part funny. I'll tell you why later. To answer the first part of the question, I got into real estate because I had an awful experience purchasing my first home. The entire process from beginning to end was nothing short of terrible, though I could think of several other words that would better describe it, but I digress. I could bore you to tears with the details but needless to say it boiled down to a heated argument at the closing between myself and the listing agent. We ...

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