Posted By Lindsay Faircloth @ Sep 24th 2024 1:25pm In: Life at the beach

Myrtle Beach Isn’t Just About the Beach (But It’s a Pretty Big Deal)

When you think of moving to a beach town, you probably picture endless sunny days, salty breezes, and that sweet sound of ocean waves. While Myrtle Beach does offer all those Instagram-worthy perks, there’s a side of life here that most newcomers don’t expect.

Here's to the quirky, weird, and downright delightful surprises that make living here unforgettable. Let’s dive into a few things no one told you about before you packed up for paradise!

1. The Sky is Your New Best Friend
You’ll quickly realize that Myrtle Beach has some of the best skies in the business! The sunsets here are nothing short of magical. We're talking cotton candy clouds, and if you're lucky, a flash of green as the sun dips below the horizon. What people really don’t tell you is that the sky is also home to some rather loud locals. Namely, seagulls who have no shame in stealing your fries if you dare picnic by the beach. Watch your snacks!

2. A Subtle Reminder That Nature’s Watching… and Crawling
So, about those lizards. Myrtle Beach is home to a surprising number of tiny, darting lizards that love to hang out on your porch or windowsill. Don’t worry, they’re completely harmless! Think of them as your personal bug patrol (plus, they give your cat endless entertainment). Oh, and tree frogs? Yeah, they sometimes like to make surprise cameos inside of your home and reside on the outside of your home so they can eat more mosquitoes than you can imagine. If you are someone who likes to open doors or windows without screens, be prepared that one day you’ll be brushing your teeth, and bam — a frog on your mirror. Welcome to Myrtle Beach!

3. Gators: More Common Than Your Neighbor’s Lawn Flamingos
Okay, let’s clear this up: yes, there are alligators in Myrtle Beach. No, they’re not prowling around your backyard (usually). Most of the time, they’re chilling in ponds or wetlands, minding their own business. Just consider them the distant cousins of Myrtle Beach’s wildlife scene — cool to observe from afar but best left alone. It's their town, too, after all.

4. Festivals Are Life Here
Prepare yourself for a lot of quirky local festivals. From Shag dancing events (it’s a thing, and it’s serious) to oyster roasts, you’ll find Myrtle Beach’s social calendar packed with events that scream small-town fun with big coastal energy. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself in a crab costume at some point — it’s just part of the charm. Did I also mention the Carolina Country Music Festival is here every year?

5. Your Closet: From Flip-Flops to Hurricane Prep
You’ve heard about the beach essentials: flip-flops, sunscreen, and a good hat. But Myrtle Beach life also means getting familiar with hurricane season. Don't worry — it’s not as scary as it sounds, I promise. The community here is super prepared, and you’ll learn all the best storm-prep hacks. Mine is pay attention to local Meteorologist Ed Piotrowski, he is the BEST!. Hurricane season is just another chapter in the Myrtle Beach adventure!

Myrtle Beach is so much more than a gorgeous coastline. It’s a quirky, vibrant place full of surprises — from gator neighbors to your new lizard friends — with a never-ending list of stories to tell. So, while the beach may have brought you here, it’s the unexpected fun of everyday life that will keep you hooked!

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